PLASTEMA WE 11 - фото 1
PLASTEMA WE 11 - маленькое фото 1
Under the order


Milky grey liquid



Drop melting point °C

105 - 120

Mass fraction of dry residue, % (125°C)

30 - 40


8 - 10

Emulsifier system


Wax emulsion Plastema WE is an emulsion of oxidized polyethylene wax of high pressure. The emulsion is not intended for direct contact with food. The emulsion is irreversibly destroyed during freezing. Storage and transportation at temperatures from +5°C to +35 ° C. The product is delivered in 220L PE barrels, cubic containers, cans and other containers in agreement with the customer.

The main characteristics that wax emulsions give are degassing, gloss enhancement or matting effect enhancement, hydrophobic properties of coatings, "soft touch" effect, increased abrasion resistance, anti– corrosion protection, anti-blocking and others.


Due to their resistance to scratches and abrasion, wax emulsions are used for the manufacture of:

  • Architectural coatings
  • Floor coverings
  • Paper film and foil
  • Denigrate
  • Metal coatings

You can buy these products in bulk at a price of 260-350 rubles / kg from the company "Forplast Trading" after consultation.

advantages plastowax
Quality control
Has a technical passport for each delivery. Control of each batch of polyethylene wax.
Processing additive
Performs the role of an effective processing additive. Increases productivity and energy efficiency of the production process
From primary raw materials
It is made from primary raw materials. Stable quality from the batch
Effective dispersant
It has excellent dispersing ability. Promotes the connection of dissimilar materials
Increases strength
Increases the strength and hydrophobic characteristics of the product. It affects the increase in the service life of the final products
Controls the viscosity of the alloy
Effectively controls the viscosity of the melt. It allows you to both increase the viscosity and thicken, depending on the selected brand
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Where wax is used