Polymer additives

Polyethylene wax in polymer compounds and chalk additives

The main purpose of polymer additives, including chalk additives, is to improve the quality of the material. When used correctly, such additives can significantly improve the characteristics of the product and significantly increase its competitiveness. This makes polymer additives a key component in many areas of production.

For high-quality mixing of the components in the composition of the chalk additive - chalk and polymer base, a binder is necessary. Most often, manufacturers use polyethylene wax as a binder. The wax has a sufficiently low melting point and helps to reduce shear stresses in the melt.

Polyethylene wax also acts as a plasticizer in the production of chalk additives. Plasticizes the polymer for better "flow around" the chalk particles.

In addition, polyethylene wax provides high-quality lubrication, promotes uniform distribution of substances during subsequent application of the chalk additive. During the production of final polymer products, polyethylene wax as part of the additive enters the extruder, affects the melting and mixing processes, reducing the load on the engine.

The optimal amount of polyethylene wax injection is up to 4%.

The main advantages of using polyethylene wax in the production of chalk additives

  • Reduction of shear stresses during processing;

  • Controlled melt viscosity;

  • Increases productivity and energy efficiency of the production process,

For the production of polymer additives, we recommend the brands of polyethylene wax Plastowax E 12P (50P), Plastowax E 12G (50G), Plastowax E 13F (175F).

To clarify the price and terms of delivery, contact the sales department by phone: 8 (800) 101-46-72, +7 (342) 225-00-13 or write to us at sales@ftchem.ru