Compositions of paraffins

Polyethylene wax in the composition of paraffins

In order to improve the quality of commercial paraffin, various components are added to its composition. One of them is polyethylene wax.

For example, solid petroleum paraffin, which is used for the manufacture of all kinds of coatings in the food industry, in some cases requires modification in order to effectively solve the task set for the manufacturer.

Due to its physical and chemical properties, polyethylene wax is compatible with a wide range of other waxes and improves the properties of various types of paraffins, in particular paraffin wax. These benefits are often achieved at low levels of addition without changing the other positive properties of paraffin. Mixed at a level of 3-5% with paraffin wax, polyethylene wax will significantly increase the melting point and hardness of the latter, without adversely affecting the viscosity of the melt.

These advantages are important when modifying paraffin wax for a number of applications, including crayons and candles.

The main advantages of using polyethylene wax in the composition of paraffins

  • The low viscosity of the melt is maintained;
  • Gloss and opacity of finished products;
  • Improved mold lubrication functions.

For the production of paraffin compositions, we recommend the brands of polyethylene wax Plastowax E 12P (50P), Plastowax E 15P/G (200TD).

To clarify the price and terms of delivery, contact the sales department by phone: 8 (800) 101-46-72, +7 (342) 225-00-13 or write to us at